How can Mutual of Omaha’s FIT Credit program help your client save money on the life insurance?
How does Mutual of Omaha’s FIT Credit program give your clients a discount on their life insurance?
Mutual of Omaha’s FIT Credit program can give your client an added discount if they end up qualifying for life insurance with a table rating. Most carriers only allow table shave programs on their permanent products. With Mutual of Omaha you can use it on your tougher term cases too. Mutual of Omaha’s FIT Credit program works by using your client’s positive lifestyle and medical characteristics to give them a discount on the premium using a table shave. Case Study Let’s say you have a male age 55 needing $1,000,000 of 20 year term to cover a business loan. Your client got rated due to build and diabetes. Your client can easily be looking at a Table 2 rating with most carriers. How can J.L. Thomas & Company help your client qualify for a discount? Let’s say your client hasn’t used any tobacco in 10 years and has a clean driving record, that gives them 2 of the 5 lifestyle and medical characteristics Mutual of Omaha needs for the maximum discount. Let’s say your client has no family history of death before age 70, a Cholesterol/HDL Ratio under 5.0, and an A1C reading better than a 5.7. This will give them the medical characteristics they need for the full discount. This discount moves your client form a Table 2 to a Standard Nonsmoker class.
How big of a discount can this be? Male Age 55
What are some of the benefits?
What are some great cases?
How does it work?