DIY Term Quotes
It is quick and easy to run your own quotes.
Head to our quoting tool on to get a quote 24-7.
How to Get Started:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Quotes tab
3. Scroll down to the Login
4. If you already have a username ending in “6672” and a password, then you are all set to start quoting.
5. If you do not have a login or you have a username ending in a different 4-digit number, you will need to create a new account (see image below).
6. After you create your account follow the instructions and look out for an email from with your username.

Watch the LifePipe Tutorial Video
Click on the image below to view the video.

Step by Step Instructions

The above image is the page you will open up to after you log in. Fill in the appropriate information. Highlighted areas are required.
Under “Term Length,” select as many term periods as you would like to see and add up to three different death benefits to quote.
In the Underwriting Section at the bottom of the page there are two options:
1. Select Health Class – choose a rate class

2. Enter Health Profile – input height, weight, and tobacco use to determine rate class based on carrier underwriting guidelines.

After selecting “Get Quotes” the next page will give you a list of available carriers and products. Select the options for comparison (see image below for sample). View by premium mode of choice (annual premium is default). Download quote to send to your client(s). Make changes with the toolbar on the left side of the page and save quote right in the program if you need to come back to it later.

Impaired Risk Underwriting
Unsure how to rate a client based on their provided health history? Reach out to the Sales Team with any questions or concerns. Also, find more information at