eApp and eDelivery
Submitting Term Insurance with the JLTexpress App The JLTexpress App is the easiest way to write term life insurance. This process is meant to help speed up processing so you can spend time doing what you do best, selling. What you need to do… The carrier will… Please note… Available Carriers… Accelerated Underwriting Is a great option […]
DIY Term Quotes
It is quick and easy to run your own quotes. Head to our quoting tool on to get a quote 24-7. How to Get Started: 1. Go to 2. Click on the Quotes tab 3. Scroll down to the Login 4. If you already have a username ending in “6672” and a password, then you are […]
Introducing Lincoln’s Professional Advantage Program
No exams or labs up to $20 million for Indexed Universal Life and Variable Universal Life Products. The Professional Advantage Program requires no exam or labs for professionals who have had an “executive physical” within the past 18 months. Click here or below for requirements
How to turn your Term Life Insurance Sales into Permanent UL Sales
Have you ever thought of being the beneficiary to your own life insurance policy? Do you want life insurance you don’t have to die to use? Most people see life insurance benefiting their spouse and children, not themselves. American General’s Asset Protector provides: optionality with a death benefit, an affordable long-term care solution, and a […]

An idea for your next Keyman Policy
Are you a business owner? Have you thought about what would happen if you lost a key employee due to death? Cincinnati Life Insurance Company can provide personal guidance about business continuity planning using Termsetter ROP. Your clients receive funds to offset costs related to a key employee’s death or a refund of their […]

How to use MoneyGuard II to help your 65 year old client plan for Long Term Care.
Long Term Care can drastically change how quickly assets are used up during retirement. 70% of people age 65 today will need some sort of Long Term Care. The average length of care for a male is 2.2 years and the average length of care for a female is 3.7 years. The average cost of […]

How can Mutual of Omaha’s FIT Credit program help your client save money on the life insurance?
How does Mutual of Omaha’s FIT Credit program give your clients a discount on their life insurance? Mutual of Omaha’s FIT Credit program can give your client an added discount if they end up qualifying for life insurance with a table rating. Most carriers only allow table shave programs on their permanent products. With Mutual […]

How can you use Mutual of Omaha’s Guaranteed Refund Option Rider to create $0 cost life insurance?
Guaranteed Refund Option Rider Overview If the client no longer needs their coverage, Mutual of Omaha’s GUL and GUL Plus policies have a Guaranteed Refund Option rider. This option provides the client with seven 60-day windows in which they can receive their premiums back – up to 50 percent at the end of year 15 […]

New J.L. Thomas & Company Website!
New Website Live Today! J.L. Thomas & Company, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of their new website. We have upgraded our Term Quoting system making it easier for you to access term quotes. A couple additional items that have been added to the website is a weekly annuity rate sheet, upcoming events and […]

You’re Invited! Carrier Round Table Workshop Thursday, May 19th, 2016
Workshop Overview J.L. Thomas & Company will be hosting a Carrier Round Table meeting. This meeting will give you the opportunity to meet with carrier regional vice presidents (RVPs) to review trending sales ideas, services available to help your clients, and an overview of their underwriting advantages. Guests will be organized into groups of 5-8 […]

How to use Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) to create a legacy.
How to use your RMDs to create a larger estate for your kids and grand kids, to create a lifetime of giving. So you have two clients who are now age 70 and they are asking you what they should do with their RMDs they have to start taking. Their current plan is to gift […]

What opportunities do you have with your existing Genworth block of business?
What options do your clients have with their current Genworth Life Insurance Policy? Your clients may be calling you asking what options do they have regarding their current Genworth Life Insurance policy. Depending on the policy they purchased they may have options to 1035 exchange into a new plan or conversion/exchange their term life insurance […]