Non-Smoker rates for Cigar Smoker, Pipe Smoker, Nicotine Gum, Dip, Chew, E-Cigarette, and Marijuana users.
Prudential Non-Smoker Plus
With Prudential your clients are able to qualify for Non-Smoker Plus rates even with weekly use of non-cigarette nicotine and/or marijuana products.
The rules are…
- The client must admit it usage on the application.
- The client can test positive in the labs for nicotine and/or THC and receive Non-Smoker Plus rates as long as they do not use cigarettes.
Nicotine User?
They can use any form of nicotine, test positive in the labs, and receive Non-Smoker Plus rates as long as they do not use regular cigarettes and admit the usage on the application.
Marijuana User?
Your client can use marijuana up to three times a week and test positive for THC and still receive Non-Smoker Plus rates.
Have a Case?
Give us a call and we can review with you how to properly apply for the insurance to make sure your client gets the best rates available.
By The Way
You can use the JLTexpress App to apply making it easier to get the coverage your clients need!